Tuesday, July 12, 2011

Growing Up with Bella

I love a good fic where we get to see Bella grow up. The first time I encountered a story like this I was pessimistic to say the least. I didn't care about 11 year old Bella. Until I read about 11 year old Bela. Now, I'm sold. The following is the short list of favorite fics featuring a young Bella that we follow into adulthood.

Team Edward
Pickup Truck
On a Limb by Believeitornot
Rhapsody in B
True Love Way
For the Summer
A Quiet Fire
Four Summers
The Best Man  - this story is about adult Bella, but we see a lot of her history with Edward in flashbacks
A Pound of Flesh - while this story isn't about her growing up, we get a lot of her youth in flashbacks and I love that sense of nostalgia and seeing her through Edward's young eyes.
Emancipation Proclamation - This story follws a teenage Bella, but flashbacks take us as far back as conception, literally

Team Jacob
None that I know of yet. So sad.


  1. Oh, EP my all time fave fic! Read all but AQF and TBM but have them on my list!
    Can I suggest another one?

    It's Secret Sex by Erin Batt. It's not complete yet but I think there are only few chapters left.

    Quote from the latest chapter: "So many of our own private memories, Charlie. Little things. Big things." I treaded carefully. "Just... but they aren't enough. I want more. I love her so much I can hardly stand it. Sometimes, it's all I can do to keep from breaking down and crying at her feet, which to be honest, I'm not ashamed to admit that I've done on more than one occasion. Hell, I've begged her several times to go to a courthouse, say 'fuck-it' to the big process, and just marry me on the spot. But she was always the voice of reason, knowing that more than us, our families deserved the formalities and the celebration. So, here I am." My hands were gathered politely in my lap and I dipped my head down to lock eyes with the man before continuing to speak. "Formally, asking for your permission to carry on as I have always lived. Right by your daughter's side."

  2. I've heard of that one but avoided it assuming it would be an all out smut fest. Am I wrong? What fic would you compare it to?
