"But true love is a durable fire, In the mind ever burning, never sick, never old, never dead, From itself never turning." Ten years after a tragedy parted them, childhood friends Edward and Bella meet again. Can what was lost be recovered? E/B Some OOC

OMG what do I say about this fic? There are good fics, there are great fics, and then there are fics that render me speechless. Crap! I hate when that happens. I mean, I love to hate when that happens. And right now it's happening because of this fic. But, I shall try to find the words.
Bella Swan's mother is bi-polar. She has good days and bad days. Bella protects her mother but is the odd man out at school. She's made fun of, but she's strong and finds solace in her studies. She's a smart girl and loves to read.
Alice is her best friend and neighbor. Her brother, Edward, two years older than Bella, is her friend too. He plays with her, he protects her, and eventually falls in love with her.
A first kiss, a first relationship, a first love ends in tragedy when Bella's mother's condition creates an incident with horrifying results. Separated, Edward and Bella grow to misunderstand each other and to mistrust what they had. Thinking she'll never see him again, Bella moves on, even finds love again.
In college, she studies literature and ultimately runs into Edward again. He's a writer with some serious talent and sensitivity that will melt your heart. Will they rekindle their flame, will her new life take precedence, and will they be able to overcome their past?
This is a growing up with Bella story. I'd put it beside the greats like For the Summer and The Best Man. It's excellent. It make me laugh and cry and it pulled at my heart. A beautifully written story technically as well as stylistically. At times I forgot that I was reading fanfic. Hell, I forgot that I was reading, period. I was living these characters' lives. The author has a way with words and creates transcendent passages that draw you to the characters' locations and into their minds and hearts. Truly stunning and now one of my new favorites.
Team Jacob is a no go.
One last thing. There are stories that exaggerate life, and sometimes we need to read them to get out of our own. It's a good thing. But there are also stories that are real to life. Some are so real that they resemble something that we've experienced. While this story features a mother with Bi-polar disorder, it does not go over the top and is truly realistic. As a daughter of a father who was bi-polar, OCD and schizophrenic, I can say that this story's take on a mentally ill parent and how it feels and can affect a teenage girl is spot on. I really believed what Bella was going through and how she was feeling, because I've been through similar things. I'm not sure what the author's experience is with that particular subject matter, but I can say, based on my own life, that she nailed it beautifully. Thanks Magnolia822 for bringing such an important topic to light and doing it justice.
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