I've been thinking a lot about inspiration lately and how it plays a factor in my writing. I recently channelled Angry!Jake and came up with a one shot for the Just a Kiss contest. It's called The Invitation. The fic features Jake running to Bella to rage at her regarding her wedding invitation. When he gets there he finds her in her wedding dress and breaks down, showing her how vulnerable he is and how much he truly loves her. As I was writing I realized just how many different mediums of art acted as inspiration for me.
Second, The Mess of a Wedding Dress by Kissa621 was fresh in my mind. The author showcases Bella in her dress and that image haunted me. There was something terribly tragic about it, and I couldn't get it out of my head. There's another one shot I read, I think by blueandblack (I can't be sure), where Jake sneaks in to see Bella before her wedding and kisses her. He gets her dress dirty, but she doesn't care. He leaves and she marries Edward. I wondered how Jake would respond seeing her in his dress. Would he be upset? Would he find her beauty distracting? What? I wanted to explore that.
And lastly, when I was a teenager I loved Sheryl Crow's Strong Enough. I used to play it over and over while on the phone with my first ever boyfriend. I think I freaked him out, but I was a tough chick and I needed to know. I didn't know if he could handle me. He couldn't. Anyway, there's a few lines in that song that are brilliant and have always stuck with me. They are as follows, "Lie to me. I promise. I'll believe. Lie to me, but please don't leave." I could hear Jake saying those words to Bella and wondered if they'd make a difference to her - if she'd try, just once, to do something for him. I wondered what that would look like.
If you toss these three pieces of art around in my head, this is what you get . . .
I hope you like it. I certainly liked writing it, and I liked seeing what I could come up with based on these three main pieces of inspiration.
Say the title of this in a breathy voice wearing a negligee and see if you can figure out where I got the title from. I'm a dork, I know.
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