I sit on a pink poof staring at deep red velvet curtains, listening to Katy Perry blast through a piss poor speaker system, waiting for Bella to appear. “Remind me again how I got stuck here,” I moan.
“I told you. I asked Charlotte,
and Jane started hopping around and squealing. I turned around and walked away.
I couldn’t go with them. They were too excited. It was creepy.”
“Jane is a little creepy,” I say.
“She is,” Bella admits easily. I love her honesty and her
trust in me not to go telling Jane or Charlotte what we said.
Bella slips halfway through the curtain before glaring, turning
back around, and covering herself in the heavy drapery.
“Wait, come on. Let me at least look.”
“It’s hideous, okay?” she says, dropping the curtain and
putting her hands on her hips.
The thing is purple for starters and has these weird bows
and some glittery crap on it. She’s right, so I laugh.
“Stop it, Edward. I’m never taking you shopping again.”
“You said it was hideous. What? I’m not allowed to agree?”
“If I had a baseball right now I’d throw it at your head.”
“Good, then I could be unconscious and sleep through this
torture.” I slump on the pink poof and drape my head over the backside. A sales
clerk waves and smiles at me from upside down.
“Okay, I’m done. Let’s just go.” She heads back into the
dressing room and keeps talking while changing. “I wish we could just go in
jeans and a t-shirt. Why do we have to get all stupid looking?”
“You know what? You should just not go.”
“Nice try.”
“It was worth a shot,” I say with a smirk. This is fun.
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