Bella Swan is a big time singing star. She's on tour when Edward Cullen begins as her opening act. They connect from day one, and their relationship grows in secret, using Rose, Bella's sister, as Edward's fake girlfriend to hold off suspicions. Bella's mother is controlling and overprotective. She's also Bella's manager and seems to think she can speak for Bella. All the time. Even when it comes to relationships. With Edward's help, Bella becomes more confident and more bold and makes moves to sever ties with her mother and to be happy, to have what she wants--an open relationship with Edward.
But then . . . the fates cut some strings like the bitches they are, and Bella's in an accident. Wiping out her memories. Of Edward. *cries*
Will Edward help her remember him? Will he be able to get her to listen and believe him while her mother is telling her lies? Will he able to stay away from her like she's asked him to? Hell to no. This is why we like him. Right, ladies?
This Edward. This Edward.
First of all you, have to know some things. This story is brilliant told in alternating time periods. Now and Then. You know, like the title. ;) The Now is told from Edward's POV--and sigh he is swoony all in love with Bella and trying to win her back and do what's best for her. It's heartbreaking the ache he feels. Ugh. And the Then is told in Bella's POV, so we get to see just how in love with him she fell and how serious she was about him. It's refreshing and so smart, and, as I writer, I'm in awe of this.
Now, back to Edward. Edward is a rocker. With tatts. But he is the sweetest. He is cocky but in a cute way, not a dirty controlling way. Again, refreshing. He pushes Bella to get what she wants and speak her mind. I love this about him. Love.
Try not to swoon . . .
Excerpt from chapter 4
"So, that's my idea," Alec says, looking to my mom and then to me. "I'll get in contact with Brian and we can get on a soundstage during that break you have between the show in New York and the one in Las Vegas."
"We love Brian," Mom says before sipping from her water glass.
"He's great. I've checked and he's available."
Edward leans forward, elbows on the table and stares at me. "What do you think, Bella?"
All eyes go from me to him and back to me. I think I hate the thought of yet another video where I lay in flower petals or wear ridiculous outfits that make me look like a teenager. I think it would be nice if we thought outside the box. I think doing something that embraces who I really am would be cool.
"She loves it," Mom answers for me.
"Do you love it, Bella?" Edward raises his eyebrows, waiting for an answer from my lips. The lips he kissed silly all night long. The lips I don't know how to open right now.
"Oh, Sweet Cheeks." Rosalie laughs and pulls him back in his seat. "My sister is a go with the flow kind of person. She hates to make waves," she explains in an attempt to clue him in. We don't fight with Mom or the record company when they love something.
"Isabella understands how the business works." Alec smiles at Edward as if he's some know-nothing.
"I'm well aware of how the business works." Edward won't be stopped. And his ability to fight for me makes me want to fight for myself. "I also want to hear what Bella thinks. She is allowed to think, isn't she?"
"I'm pretty sure we've covered that she loves it," Mom snaps. She does not like to say things twice. "If she didn't love it, she would have said so." He's not winning her over. In fact, Mom will be pushing Rosalie to dump him as soon as this lunch is over.
"Do you, Bella? Do you love it?" His green eyes pierce my skin, see inside my head. He knows the only thing I love about what's being said here is what's coming out of his mouth. I love that mouth, too.
"It sucks." I can't believe I say it. But I do and I want to smile and throw up. I'm not sure which will happen first.
"Isabella!" My mother is appalled. Rose's mouth falls open in shock before curling into an amused smile.
Alec is completely confused. "What do you mean it sucks?"
"I hate the whole idea. I don't like any of it. And Brian creeps me out. He made some comments to me the last time we worked together that made me really uncomfortable. I'd rather not work with him again."
The smile on Edward's face lets me know he's proud of me. "She doesn't love it, Alec," he says, throwing an arm behind Rosalie.Bella does what she wants but is terrified of her mother. I liked seeing her grow and change with Edward's help. And it's fascinating to see her "Then" moments and how she is the same person just begging to come to the surface.
It's a great story with great characters and great dialogue. I loved what Troublefollows did with canon here with both Twilight and The Vow, giving us some plot bits from The Vow and some themes from twilight. This is true fanfiction. Troublefollows does a great job of capturing the reader's attention and doesn't let go one bit through the ride.
You'll love it. Read it.
Medium Smut.
Team Jake Safe. He doesn't exist.
This. This song. OMG.
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