New student Bella Swan needs to break out of her shy exterior and her guidance counselor has the answer: tutoring. And Bella is too new to know she shouldn’t want to tutor Edward Cullen.
I rec'd this to Cejsmom the other day and had the urge to re-read it. I was shocked when I checked my blog and discovered I'd never reviewed it. Like, what the frick is my deal? Ugh!
The Tutor is not only a high school fic but a Damagedward fic. This, I love. Know what else I love? How ItzMegan73 gives us a real getting to know you phase. She doesn't rush in. We know these characters. And even though they grow and evolve and change, they are constant. Thank you. Nothing bothers me more than a kickass Edward who turns into a pansy once Bella's in his life. This Edward is consistently a jerk, but he's a sweet jerk at that. How's that for endorsement? I promise you'll still love him.
Edward is failing his junior year. His adopted parents get him a tutor -- his new classmate, Bella. Bella is sweet and kind and innocent, but she's also independent and brave and doesn't take crap form anyone. Edward tries to get under her skin, but he doesn't succeed. It's Bella who gets under his skin. He's drawn to her. She's different, and she doesn't care or judge the fact that he's a junior and can barely read -- a secret he's kept from all of his friends.
During the course of their tutoring sessions, Edward learns that Bella needs some tutoring of her own. She's never been kissed. And the UST has arrived. Yay! This fic has it all: humor, angst, drama, romance, sex, KISSING!, mean girls, best friends, good parents (thank you!), and a fantastically matched Edward and Bella.
This fic is written in third person which I really enjoy.
Team Jacob safe.
Low-medium smut.
There are so many great scenes I wanted to share, but I decided to go with this one. It's sort of the beginning of it all. enjoy!

From Chapter 7:
"Well this is a first – the tutor falls asleep." Edward said as he took a seat across from Bella.
"I'm not asleep," She popped up quickly. Without looking at him, she started throwing books and papers around. "Here. We need to start on section three."
When there was no response to her words, Bella looked over to see Edward staring at her, as if he could see right through her.
"I got a speeding ticket," Bella blurted out. "I wasn't even speeding!"
It was Edward's first inclination to answer with a disinterested 'so?', but, instead he looked out the open window and snorted, "In that dinosaur?"
"I know," Bella agreed. "What the hell is that?"
Edward hadn't expected her acceptance of the ridicule of her truck.
"Sucks to be you," Edward sniffed as he leaned back on the hind legs of his chair.
"Tell me about it," Bella mumbled. "My dad is going to kill me."
Edward frowned at the fact that Bella thought he was making conversation with her. He wasn't. He obviously was putting out the wrong vibe if she thought he was interested in what she was saying. And she was still talking! Edward was just about to interrupt when she said something of interest:
"I know my dad is going to make me take the Washington State driving test. Just to prove a point. Now I'll have to study that thing in addition to all this crap," she gestured towards the books on the table.
"Driving test?" Edward sat up straight in his chair. "I have to take that, too."
"You do? Why? Don't you have your license?" Bella inquired.
Edward shook his head. "I'm getting it. I didn't have grades for driver's ed last year so I have to do it this year."
"I didn't know you could take Driver's Ed as a junior."
"I'm not taking it through the school."
"I, uh, haven't seen the book they use. Have you?"
"I think you can download it from the Internet."
An awkward silence loomed over them as they each tried to figure out the next thing to say to one another. Bella was amazed at the manner in which Edward was speaking – such a lack of hostility. And Edward was trying to figure out how he could work the driver's education angle to his advantage…without Bella knowing his deficiency, of course.
"I'd much rather study that than this," he pointed to the table.
"I don't make the rules." Bella shrugged.
"But you'd benefit, too, if we did that instead."
"I'm not so sure, " Bella narrowed her eyes at him. "I haven't been able to get you to complete one single worksheet since we've been working at this…almost three weeks now. What's it going to look like if we start working on something completely unrelated? Mr. Leary is keeping track of how well we do, you know."
"Mr. Leary's a queer."
Bella looked at Edward humorlessly. And there he is. I was beginning to think this was a fake Edward sitting in front of me.
"I'll match you, section for section." Edward finally stated.
Bella looked at him in shock. "You're actually bargaining with me, with your own grades? That doesn't make any sense."
"You said yourself that Mr. Leary is keeping track of how we do, which means that you have something to gain from this, too. What is it?"
"A recommendation for my college applications." Bella disclosed.
"Fine, so you get your recommendation and I get to study driver's ed, in addition to wasting my life away with the most boring subject on earth."
Suddenly it all became clear to Bella and she grinned. "You need help with Driver's Ed!"
"Why waste time doing one subject when I can do two?" Edward asked.
"You need help. Admit it. Admit it and I'll do it."
"Fine. English only, then."
"And no college recommendation."
"I'll just tell them that you were disinterested and uncooperative. Miss Teale and the rest of your grades will back me up."
Edward was silent. "You're a –"
Bella gasped as she anticipated the word Edward was going to use to describe her.
"-stubborn person," he completed.
"So are you," she said when she realized what he'd said.
"Section for section and you get your college recommendation. That's the deal."
"Section for section, I get my college recommendation and you admit that you need my help. That's the deal." Bella countered.
"Fine. And I think our time is up for the day. Are we done here?"
Edward didn't answer her with words. Instead, he simply got up and walked out of the den, leaving Bella alone to pack up her things and let herself out.
Just after her first class, Bella had gone to her locker as usual to get her history book. As soon as she'd administered the correct combination on the lock and opened it up, a small, crumpled piece of paper fell at her feet. When she picked it up and read it, a warm feeling washed over her entire body. For there on that paper, was her victory:
I ned yur hellp
Totally reading it and enjoying it too!!