Saturday, November 24, 2012

The Give Away Girl by MrsSpaceCowboy

The Give Away Girl by MrsSpaceCowboy
Honor student Bella Swan has mastered the arts...of manipulating her divorced parents, rolling the perfect joint, and faking an orgasm. Who wouldn't want to keep a girl like her? An unconventional coming of age tale for Gen Xer Bella.
What can I possibly say about this story to do it justice? Probably nothing, but here goes.
This was rec'd to me over and over again when it was a WIP, but we all know I suck at those. They make me angry. But I loooove to read a complete story. Especially if it's ah-may-zing like this one.

This story takes place in the 1990's. Hooray!

Bella is a smart, sarcastic, kick ass girl. I want to be her friend, and she's fictional. So yeah. Edward is new in town and cousins with Bella's best friend, Emmett. Edward is shy, quiet, smart, a baseball player, and he wears glasses. Gulp.

The two meet on the phone and begin their relationship there. How much do I love that? Like a lot. How much time did you spend chatting on the phone with your friends? Hours, I bet. And so do they. They finally meet in person and hit it off immediately.

They become fast friends when school starts, but Edward takes his time with Bella. They really know each other before they make any decisions about their relationship. I love this! I love that MrsSpaceCowboy took the time to build a solid foundation for her characters. All of her characters. And there are many. Thank you! (Charlie kicks ass, by the way.)

The chapters are long. The story is long. But it should be because it takes place over years. And, I assure you, it's fantastic  It's complete with love, romance, sex, heartache, drug use, best friends, good/bad parent moments, mean girls, mean boys, and so much more. This story rings true to life. And there's nothing I love more than a coming of age story I can relate to.

Thank you, MrsSpaceCowboy, for writing this story and sharing it with us. The music was an awesome bonus.

Go read it. You will not be disappointed.

Team Jacob safe if you're open minded.
Medium smut level.
Warning: lots of drugs and alcohol in this story.

Excerpts from Chapter 3:

There is a tall guy dressed in jeans, a black t-shirt, and black Vans. His hands are tucked into his front pockets. The back of his head is shaved close, but his bangs are long and unruly. I let out a breath. I am secretly relieved he isn't some kind of freak. Not that I ever thought he was. Or at least I never thought about it until The Pack made such a big deal about the fact that I've never even seen him. I am so caught up in my inner ramblings, I miss the fact that the others are now standing with me.

"What are we looking at?" Leah whispers from my left.

"Aaaaggh!" I startle and yell.

Emmett's head whips around. He smiles hugely when he spots us. Edward turns to face us fully. His face is decent too, it seems. His cheeks carry the slightest hint of leftover baby fat. He has thin wire rim glasses. They're a little geeky, but mostly they just make him look smart.

Leah links her pinky with mine pulling me forward. I start to freak out a little inside, because I'm not sure if Edward and I will "click" in person the way we do over the phone.

Emmett introduces him to the other girls. He smiles shyly, mumbles a greeting, and then his eyes are on me. "Hey, Bella." His voice, if possible, is even better in person. The sound of it eases my worry.

"Hey," I say, stepping into his personal space. I feel like we've passed the awkward handshake stage. He knows things about me that make him hug worthy. He must sense my intent, because he steps forward and we embrace.

His t-shirt is soft cotton, and I've never smelled anything in the world like this boy. "Nice to meet you," he whispers. Cinnamon breath near my ear mingles with the scent of soap and after shave on his skin.

"My turn," Em says as he pulls me away from Edward.

He's quiet as I direct him to the restaurant. I try to engage him in conversation once or twice, but he gives me one or two word answers and silence. By the time he parks the car, I'm frustrated.

"Is something wrong?" I ask, looking him straight in the eye.

"No!" His eyes are wide as he answers.

"You've barely spoken a word to me all night," I whisper, turning to look out the windshield. My feelings are a little hurt. I've spent hours talking on the phone with this boy, and now that we've met, I get the distinct feeling he doesn't really like me.

"I was nervous. I'm still nervous," he says sincerely.

"You were fine around the others," I counter. He didn't seem shy talking to Alec, Jane, or Mike.

"They're not you."

"But you know me!"

"Exactly," he says. "I don't give a shit what any of them think." He turns in his seat to face me. I do the same. "I do care what you think," he whispers.

I feel a strange fluttering in my chest as I exhale.

"I don't want us to be weird around each other," I tell him earnestly.

"Okay. No weirdness. Got it." He's being playful. But when he grins at me, I notice the tiniest, most adorable, little gap between his two front teeth and how full his red lips are.


This is not good. I do not need to be attracted to anyone right now. Especially Edward. He's nice and sweet, and we're friends. Just friends.

"I need a junior bacon cheeseburger now," I tell him. What I really need is a distraction. And some space. Being cooped up in the front seat of this car that smells like Edward is obviously affecting my ability to think clearly. Or it could be the pot. I do get a little horny when I'm stoned and that might explain the sudden interest in Edward Cullen's mouth.

"Let's go," he says, exiting the car.

I grab my bag and do the same. We walk together across the parking lot, and he holds the door for me as we enter the restaurant. I smile at the gesture as he places his hand on the small of my back as we make our way to the counter.

We order three junior bacon cheeseburgers, fries, and two Cokes. He pays despite my protests. Once we've found a table, I watch in horror as he removes the pickles from his burgers.

"How can you eat a burger without pickles?" I ask incredulously, while confiscating the pickles and adding them to my own burger.

He shrugs with his mouth full of burger.

"Crazy," I mutter before biting into my own.


"Thanks for taking me, Edward," I tell him as he parks next to Mike's Suburban.

"You don't have to thank me, Bella. I'm glad we got to spend some time together. Alone, I mean." His cheeks are pink and he's adorable. I need to get the hell out of his car and away from his scent, before I do something stupid.

I open the door as he asks, "Can I call you later? Tonight?"

I shake my head. "I'm spending the night with Alice." He looks disappointed, and I hate it. "I'll be home tomorrow…"

"Tomorrow," he says, smiling.

Oh God. He has dimples.

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