No official summary.
No banner.

I failed to mention that this fic is written in such a unique way. Per the
author's words, "this story jumps back and forth between junior year
(written in the past tense, first person) and senior year (present tense, kind
of a first/second person mix)." That makes for some
deliciously interesting reading. I love something original. And
this is original.
Team Jacob safe. He's always safe with Rochelle. Aw.
Team Jacob safe. He's always safe with Rochelle. Aw.
Something to entice you . . .
His steps faltered, and he turned around, narrowing his eyes when he saw me. "What's up?"
"I wanted to talk to you for a second."
He raised his eyebrows. "'Bout what? Saturday? I already said I was sorry about that."
"Um, actually … no you didn't. But-"
"Sorry for ruining what looked like a lame date?" He smirked.
Ignoring the flash of irritation I felt, I took a deep breath. "Whatever. That's not what I wanted to discuss."
"Well, hurry it up because first bell's about to ring."
Okay, so, this wasn't going as planned. He was being his usual difficult self.
"Do you have feelings for me?" I blurted. My face heated up immediately.
He frowned. "What, like romantically?"
I nodded, biting my lip.
"Why, do you want me to?" he asked, leaning closer. "Could it be that you like me, Bella?"
"No, I –"
"Hell no I don't like you," he scoffed, taking a step back. "All it took was one night to know that for sure."
Frowning, I shook my head. "Then what's your deal? Why do you treat me like this?"
"Because I can," he said, already walking away. "And because you always react so perfectly."
In church we'd learned that thinking a sin was akin to doing it. Well if that was the case, Edward was a dead man.
Many, many times over.
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