The Perv Pack's Smut Shack mentioned Masen Days (the one shot) and The Boys on Boards contest. They even put the proper link to the expanded version of Masen Days. Woot!
The girls on The Lemonade Stand Facebook group were going hog wild talking about it this week. I've been told that it will be on The Poll next week which you can find on the Lemonade Stand blog.
The Twilight FicZone had some nice things to say about Masen.
Kelly Provence wrote about it on her blog Ficobsessed.
Masen Days was mentioned on The Fictionators 8/25/11 by Whispered_Rob.
Last, but not least, there will be a Twitter #readalong for Masen Days tomorrow, Thursday, September 15, 2011 at 8CST hosted by @jaimearkin for @WaywardPushers and @TwificNews/@TFNreadalong. You can go to TwiFicNews for specifics on how to participate. And please do!
I'm thoroughly excited about all of this attention. I thought that those that read Masen Days would like it, but I never imagined it would actually get any attention. Thank you everyone who is reading, reviewing, blogging, tweeting, and facebooking (It can be a verb! I know because I'm a writer!) about it!
Thanks to _ss77_, Mac214, and Perrymaxed. I owe you, girls. I owe you big!
In honor of the readalong I will be posting an outtake on Masen Days and Masen Days Outtakes (the same outtake) to inform everyone about the event, but please spread the word, and I'll see ya tomorrow at 8CST!
Masen Days was pointed out on TwiMuses Daily on 9/16/11.
MyCleverAlias mentioned Masen Days on The Fictionators on 9/15/11.
Here's what she said: I love Masen Days because it evokes the feeling of being a teenager in high school in such a sweetly real way. The story has a gorgeously languid feel – the way time moves more slowly when you’re that age, waiting for things to happen and hesitant to go after what you want.
The characters are very true to life. You were friends with Edward and Bella. You might have BEEN Edward and Bella. This story takes you right back there. It gives me a Starry Eyed Inside vibe, with its own unique flavor. Lighter for now, but with the hint of darker things hidden. There’s a fantastic sly sense of humor woven throughout, too.
It’s only four chapters in – perfect time to get on board and wait as anxiously for updates as I do.

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