By pretending she is falling for Edward, Bella is fulfilling Esme's dying wish. But sexy, possessive Edward can read her mind. Will she ever get into his? Can Bella forget the pain of her teenage years, and can she resist his relentless seduction? AH.

I read this fic awhile ago, and I wasn't sure how I felt about it for a long time. Part of me loved it because it was so original and well written, and another part of me hated it because Edward is so unbelievably flawed to the point where he is quite abusive to many people in his life. It was really hard to read because of the way he is with Bella, but he truly loves her to the point of punishing himself for it. It's so hard to explain. Months after reading this story I still couldn't get it out of my head. I realized then that not only is the fic brilliant, but it also haunts the reader. Images of Edward grabbing at Bella's wrist and jerking her around swirl though my mind. It's so unhealthy and disturbing, and I love it.
The Black Arrow took some pieces from canon and created a masterpiece. The underlying tension between Edward and Bella stems from the fact that he can read her mind. Though frustraing for him, he can only do so when touching her skin, thus all the grabbing. It's so terribly sad because Bella seems to love it and hate it. Their relationship is tumultuous at best, but it is intense and passionate and unlike any other I've read.
Bella is visiting the Cullens' home at Esme's (her mother for all intents and purposes since her father is the most neglectful guy on the planet) request. Esme is on her deathbed, and the family comes to pay it's last respects. In an attempt to win Bella and placate his mother, Edward convinces Bella to pretend that they are finally together. Esme knows of Edward's unhealthy, possessive love for Bella but knows that they should be together. Will they ever get there?
This review does not do this story justice. I'm not sure any review would. Just go read the damn thing.
Team Jacob safe. Team Mike Newton . . . not so much. Poor guy.
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