When an unexpected conflict with the Volturi brings Jacob back into her life, Bella finds that being a vampire only makes it even more complicated for her to be in love with two people. J/B and E/B. Please review.

Bella and Edward are happily married, living the vampire life when Aro pays a visit and suggests a werewolf genocide. Say what? Hell yes. Enter Jake, the now alpha, and his crew to work with the Cullens. This is the first time Jake has been around Bella since she was married and it's awkward especially since . . . wait for it . . . he's her singer. Say what? Hell yes. She's drawn to him. She wants to eat him, literally. She's also still attracted to him and in love with him but happily married to Edward and in love with him too. I know! The tension is the fic is astounding.
Jake has a life. He's relatively happy, dating a girl from work, Lilah (who is very cool by the way), and living his life. But now that Bella's back adn they're forced to work together the ust rises. Jake and Bella deal with their desire for one another while Edward plays the role of the ever-forgiving, ever loving supportive husband. I love this. The author has somehow managed to make everyone completely in character. There's a lot of drama, action, and angst. Where SM failed to deliver on a battle, CatsOnMars pulls through for us. Where SM failed to give Jake a good ending that didn't make us say, "What they hell? Now he's a pedophile and he lusted after his future wife's mother? EW!" she delivers.
Remember how Bella forgave Edward of everything when he came back in New Moon? Remember how Jacob told Bella he loved her and then she told him the same but they never really discussed it? Remember how those bits of canon drove you insane and you never got any closure on them? Well, this fic gives you closeure. Edward and Bella have it out. Jake and Bella have it out. And it makes sense. This fic does what SM chose not to do and what you wanted her to do.
While this is a very clean fic language and sex wise, it is still full of passion and longing and will make your heart ache.
Team Switzerland powerhouse. Team Jake and Team Edward safe, though fair warning - Jake does not get the girl.
This story is the first true Team Switzerland story I've read, though it's marked as Jake/Bella which I find interesting because they never actually get together. So, fair warning to the Jake fans who want him to have Bella in the end. Sorry, it doesn't happen and the marked J/B is a bit misleading in my opinion.
A bit to persuade you . . .
Bella is going to give herself over to the Volturi to spare the werewolves a terrible demise. Jake and Bella have it out, and the bracelet mentioned in this excerpt is the bracelet.
Jacob sighed heavily. "Look, Bella," he started in a harsh tone. "This is ridiculous. You know it is. You've got to let me take care of myself. All of us. You know, some of the others don't even think they want your help anymore. They're getting tired of their fates being planned between you and the Volturi behind our backs like this."
"Are they crazy?" she asked with shock.
"Well, whether you like it or not there's going to be a little more tension between us and your family now. And this little truce we've called has been nice while it's lasted. But the treaty is still between enemies. We may be fighting next to each other, but we're not supposed to care what happens to each other. We're not supposed to suffer for each other. Just worry about yourself and your own and stop trying to protect a bunch of dogs."
She started to look deeply saddened as she realized what he was trying to say. "We're not enemies, Jacob," she said quietly.
"Yes, we are!" he said loudly, trying to pound in something he knew was probably impossible to make her see; he stepped closer to her so he was almost yelling in her face. "Maybe we can get along peacefully, but whether you like it or not, we are! You made a choice! You chose to become this!" As if to demonstrate what he meant he took her face and held it firmly, feeling the chill of her skin on his palms, and he looked like this disturbed him more than he had ever let it show that it did before as he stared right into her topaz eyes. "You can't change your mind and have it both ways, Bella! So quit trying."
As he let go of her, she shook her head denyingly. "But I can't just let go of who I was before. How can I just stop caring? How could I stand it if you died because of all this when I could have stopped it?"
"I don't know," he said bitterly. "I suppose the same way you plan on dealing with it at whatever time I happen to die, since I'm obviously going to be doing it while you're still around."
"But it's not supposed to be now!"
"Bella, you can't have me!" he said firmly, leaning in to peer close at her again. Instead of still angry, he sounded pained and regretful now, hating to have to say it. "Not as your friend, not in any way anymore! You have to let me go, even if it means accepting that I'll have to die!"
"No," she said unwillingly in a soft gasp.
"You've got a whole family who don't want to lose you and a husband who you're going to drag along with you into whatever fate you choose. You gave up so much and hurt so many people to have this life, so just live and be happy with him and forget about me."
"Oh, fine," she said with sudden anger, sounding terribly stung even as she shouted it. She reached for the bracelet on her wrist as if she was ready to tear it off. This seemed to momentarily throw off his guard and she could not miss the change in his eyes as she reached for it, looking so hurt for a second as if she had just touched a wounded, sensitive part of him even as they were standing feet apart from each other. But his face went right back to looking more invulnerable and he did not say anything as she took it off.
"I suppose all your promises are worth nothing," she said angrily, holding it out to him like it was something contemptible he was responsible for. "Take this back if you can't be my friend anymore. If you really mean everything you just said."
He just looked at it with a slightly shocked expression, not moving. "I don't want it," he said quietly, looking a little like he was scared to go near it.
Looking almost furious because of how she suddenly moved so fast, she turned around like someone would move to face somebody they were about to shout at or slap, walking out to the edge of the cliff. Then she quickly flung the bracelet over it, where it was visible to him shining in the moonlight in midair for just a split second before it disappeared in the dark, falling into the black sea below.
They both watched it and then stared down in the direction it had fallen for what felt like a very long time, seeming to slowly calm down and realize what exactly had just happened, register what it meant. When she finally looked away first, facing him again, he met eyes with her and appeared to be filled with a sudden unbearable sadness.
"That's not going to make any difference, is it?" he asked quietly.
She looked back at him with the same sadness, not having to answer. He could see that nothing was bending her. He did not know what to do anymore.
They stared at each other for a long time with no sound around them but the waves crashing up strongly against the rock. It felt like something was being emptied out of them in this moment, as much as it could be. They both realized that this could be it. If she decided to go, this could be the last they ever saw of each other. Bella's hands at her sides took hold of the fabric of her dress where the wind was softly blowing it against her legs, as she had in the car, but not for the same reason. Her posture became a little rigid, like it was taking so much effort to stay standing.
"Goodbye, Jacob," she said weakly, the words coming out with so much reluctance that it was only said in a very soft breath.
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