Friday, May 27, 2011

Dear Mr. Masen

Dear Mr. Masen by Jenndonna (teasers and whatnot)
"Error 434: Reprimanding an executive." Life changing or just stupid? Dear Mr. Masen: A story of unauthorized Internet usage, culinary delights and the goings-on at Cullen, Inc. AH, ExB.

My sister was reading this story and raving about it to me. She kept telling me about these emails between Edward and Bella. She kept bursting out into giggles while talking about Jacob who's dubbed "the Mouth Breather" though she would apologize afterwards as though I'd be offended. Sisters are silly. Anyhoo, I recently completed The Cullen Campaign and enjoyed it. There, I discovered that this story, Dear Mr. Masen, was written by the same author belladonna1472, though it's a collaboration with jenndema. I loved the humor so much in The Cullen Campaign that I knew I'd like this piece. And I was right! Jenndonna has a great sense of humor. The comedic timing is spot on, and there are endless amounts of giggles offered in this fic from a sci-fi sick Jacob to a so-cute-Bella's-afraid-she'll-pee-her-pants-in-front-of-him Carlisle.

The author weaves a tale with an actual plot. A what? you say. No, really. There's a plot, and it's not about sex. Whoobiewhatttienow? I know. It's confusing, isn't it? But here's the rundown: Bella's a chef by trade but can't find a job so she turns to Cullen Inc's IT department where she bumps into Edward when she has to reprimand him for personal Internet use during his working hours. The two start up an email relationship complete with recipes, bad date experiences, and loads of misunderstandings. When Bella offends Edward and Edward offends Bella, they finally meet and voila - a story of getting to know you and romance ensues. Hooray!

This story is rated M but other than the two F bombs that I saw, if that, there's nothing really M about it unless the author plans an all out sex-fest in the chapters to come. Let's hope not because that would be stupid. And I hate stupid fics. It's times like this that I wish would offer the MA rating because most M rated fics are really MA, but in this case it's actually M I guess due to the stories about masturbaters doing their business while kissing Bella. Ew!

Now I know I've broken the carnal rule of not reviewing WIP, but I simply can't help it. This one is a must if you need something for your funny bone.

Now get the Frick out of here and read it. See how I did that there? The clever use of the word Frick? Yeah, well Frick you too. I crack myself up.

Team Jacob safe if you have a sense of humor.

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