I have read a lot of fanfiction over the course of the year. And being Team Switzerland (Bigamy) gives me some serious scope. I read lots of Team Edward and lots of Team Jacob. There are some great Team Edward stories out there that simply ignore Jacob's character, or find a kind way to leave him in the dust. The author finds a way to create conflict without the love triangle and it works (if their writing is good). The same can be said about Team Jacob stories. Many Team Jacob authors tend to choose a New Moon time period where Edward simply doesn't return, or they pick up after Eclipse and have Bella change her mind (such as my story), and they still find a way to have a good angsty plot free of Edward. It works; it can work.

Now why do I care, you ask? Well, for one as I've said, I'm Team Switzerland so I love both of these guys and they are both good guys in my book and do not deserve to have their character slaughtered. Second, I hate that I can't recommend a really good Edward story to a wolfgirl because Jacob is a douchebag in it or vice versa. And I feel sad about that. I feel sad that my fanfiction friends are missing out on brilliant storytelling and brilliant writing because their boy of choice is treated so poorly in a story.
So, for any prospective authors looking to begin a new fanfiction story, here is my advice to you - treat Edward and Jacob with care. That doesn't mean they can't do stupid things or that Bela can't occasionally make poor choices in regards to her men, but just don't turn one of these guys into a monster. Use one of Stephenie Meyer's villains or better yet, create your own. Do this, and I guarantee you'll have a bigger audience and people will be more likely to cross over teams and will be able to enjoy your story.
Well said.