Things I liked:
- Good pacing.
- Great Music.
- Great cinematography.
- Greats sets, locations and costuming (minus hair and make-up which I don't think anyone will ever get right).
- Edward and Bella's chemistry.
- Jacob and Bella's chemistry
- Jacob's interaction with Bella at school, though I missed the comments that Mike makes about Jake. that stuff is priceless.
- Angry Jacob - more of that please.
- Mike and Jessica (I've always said that they were perfectly cast).
- Lots of kissing
- Charlie, Charlie, Charlie. Billy Burke steals every scene. I love him. I love the lines he has too... "Super," "That makes me really happy," and "Liking Edward a little bit more now."
- Jane is so freaking creepy. I love her. I was excited when they cast whatshisname to be her brother because Birth was amazing, but I have yet to be impressed by that kid. His lines are flat and boring.
- I loved feeling broken down after Jake and Bella's heartfelt scene at the end, though I wanted to see her bawl like a baby.
- I thought they did a good job of switching Bella back into Edward mode. I was worried that I would still want her with Jacob after the movie was over, but I didn't. The Team Edward in me, was still happy with her choice.
Things I hated or were stupid:
- There wasn't enough of Edward being possessive and Jacob making up for it. I wanted to see Bella hop on the bike with Jacob and run away. I wanted to see Alice kidnapping Bella for sleepovers, etc.
- Again, no "Sure, sure." What the hell?
- Why did Quil and Jared have love handles? Seriously guys, work out harder.
- Bella's terrible wig - um, can the girl have a part in her hair please?
- Cullens' terrible wigs - Why does all of their hair have to look so stupid? Peter Fancinelli is a good looking guy, why do they make him look so stupid? And Jasper's hair? Seriously, looks like a freakin' cartoon. And why oh why is Rosalie dark skinned and dark haired? I know Catherine Hardwicke loves Nikki and she was amazing in Thirteen and Lords of Dogtown, but she is not Rosalie. And if she is (obviously she is), why didn't they just let her be her natural self? I would rather see a gorgeous Rosalie than a caked-on made over Rosalie with a terrible wig and black eyebrows. And she looked terrible in her flashbacks.
- Speaking of flashbacks - Why is it that for two movies Jasper has a standard American accent and now all of sudden he has a drawl from the south? Some continuity people. And why does Jackson talk through his teeth? Annoys the tar out of me, but at least his flashbacks were better than Rosalie's. He looked the part.
- The final Jacob Bella kiss wasn't right. Don't get me wrong, it was a good kiss, but it either should have been more passionate a la Richard Geere and whatsherhead in First Knight or it should have been more like the book with Bella trying to resist but then falling into Jacob's arms and embracing it.
- The newborns: I really hated the newborns. They're supposed to be wild and ferocious, not look like zombies struggling to hold up their bodies. The scene where they all come out of the water is supposed to be epic and creepy, but if you watch closely you can see actors struggling with the weight of their wet clothes. Dude, if you can't handle a weight of wet sweater, I think Bella can get away from you even if she falls on her ass ten times.
- I hated that they wasted time on newborns eating people when they could've spent more time on Edward and Bella making out in his golden bed, or Jacob and Bella hanging out at his house watching TV and dealing with their unresolved sexual tension. That just pisses me off that time was wasted and good scenes were either cut or not even written because of it. And Bree? Seriously, who cares?
- Jessica Stanley as Valedictorian? Who made that choice? Uh-duh!
- The make up was better in this movie yes, but in the scene in Bella's bed where Edward is telling her why he doesn't want her to change- his hand looks blue and is uber creepy. What's up with that?
Here's hoping for some great extras when the DVD comes out. Can't wait!
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