Hardcover Paranormal Romance by Badjujube
Work In Progress!
Yes, I'm breaking my rule and writing a review for a work in progress. It's that good, and I don't want you to miss out on it. Hardcover Paranormal Romance is about Vampward working at a bookstore with Bella, who loves vampires but doesn't like Edward because he's a jerk (and she doesn't know he's a vampire). Intrigued yet? I am! Edward is an idiot to put it lightly. And no one writes idiot Edward like Badjujube.
Edward is rude to Bella from the start and then falls for her and doesn't know how to dig himself out of his hole, so he slogs his way through awkward conversation and gaping and longing. And it's so entertaining to read about. He's adorable in his dorkiness. Here's a sample for you to chew on before you open it up and devour all ten chapters in an hour.
From Chapter 10:
I would love to tell you that there was a tender, we-almost-kissed moment when I dropped Bella off at home, but what really happened is that right as I was going to wake her up my phone rang and, of course, it was on ultra loud and Emmett had programmed it to play some obnoxious song. Bella woke with a start, wiped some (adorable) drool off of her face and scrambled over herself to get out of the Volvo.
I jump out of the car, follow her to the door and manage to catch her before she gets inside. It was only because she was a little drunk and fumbling for her keys and I am a speedy vampire, to be honest.
She got the door open and then turned to thank me. I did that pointed "looking over her shoulder into the house thing," hoping to snare an invite into the Swan abode. I also invaded her space a little bit.
"Um, thank you for the ride, Edward," she says, her eyes flickering up to me self-consciously. In a move that I really hope was smooth and not creepy, I leaned forward with my hand on the doorframe.
"Anytime, Bella," I say, smiling down at her. She stares into my eyes for a second and then looks away awkwardly.
"Yeah, uh, thanks again," she says, and slips into the house and closes the door. I stare at the door for a minute, wondering exactly where I went wrong with my vibe.
I'm figuring the only way to figure out why I didn't even get a "Would you like to come in for coffee?" is to ask my family. But then I think about the wooing histories of my family, which pretty much consisted of "I just turned you into a vampire. Wanna make out?" coupled with some, "Oh, shit. I'm a vampire. Yeah, that sounds cool."
Then I think of Angela. Sweet, smart, best friend I've ever had that doesn't drink blood Angela. Perfect.
I manage to run the whole thing down for Angela the next day before Bella comes in, leaving out the parts that make it sound like I sabotaged Bella's relationship with the scumbag or that I'm a vampire.
Angela looks at me with tenderness when I get finished. But, she's thinking I'm a little bit dense.
"So you're asking me why Bella didn't catch on that you were trying to get closer to her?" Angela asks me. I nod. Angela takes a deep breath and tries to think of nice ways to tell me that she thinks I'm a little dense.
"I think you have to be patient," Angela says. "You have been…kind of a jerk to her. I know you like her now, but most people just can't change gears that fast, Edward. I'm sure she has no idea that you like her."
"Oh," I say, contemplating ways to let Bella know that I like her that don't involve me embarrassing myself if she doesn't like me. The first one I can think of is having Angela ask her.
Angela doesn't think that's a good idea, needless to say. She suggests that it might come off a little immature.
"I think your best plan is just to continue not being mean to her and see what happens," Angela says. "I think you need to give her some time to adjust to the nice version of you before you start…talking about her inviting you in for…coffee."
Angela says it as if coffee is a euphemism for something that isn't coffee. Then, listening to her thoughts, I realize that it is a euphemism for something that isn't coffee. In my defense, I haven't ever had coffee. Or that.
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