We pull up to Garrett’s house, and the bass of the music playing inside reverberates through Esme’s van.
“You ready to shake your bon bon?”
“Let’s go shake it.”
I slide my hand into his as we walk over the threshold and into the house. Edward’s lopsided grin makes me so happy. Why didn’t I do this earlier?
“Edward, hi!” Kate says, slinking toward us.
“Um, no,” I say to her, pulling him away from the girl, although I can’t stop him from waving goodbye to her. He gives her a silly pout, and I whack him on the shoulder.
“You’re cute jealous,” he says, tugging on my hair.
“That’s right. Watch out, bitches, Bella’s here.”
The song changes into another, and Edward hops up and down, belting out the lyrics. He’s so hyper. Maybe a side effect of his pain killers – or not. “Come dance,” he yells.
I nod, and we weave through the crowd of bopping heads and loud laughter. Jasper and Alice are here already, waving from the kitchen. Emmett and Rose might be here, but who knows if they’re over their spat. Doesn’t sound like it.
Edward pulls me to him once we’re in the living room where a small crowd is dancing. He sways his hips with mine, his hands on my waist, a smile adorning his gorgeous face. We finish out the song, and a new one begins with a hard hitting beat. Edward starts doing his own version of a white boy’s krump while I cheer him on, laughing. Only problem is, the other girls cheer him on too, and one that I’ve never seen before gets up in his grill and tries to bump and grind with him.
I don’t think so.

Jadapattinson asks me to fic this pic eons ago. Well, I just did!

Dirtyflirtward krumps to this song. Try not to hurt yourself while giggling!
:D Can't wait! :D