Saturday, October 15, 2011

If Masen . . . If Bella . . .

I was incredibly bored today and posted an obscene amount of photos on Twitter. They were all in regards to Masen. I loved them so much I thought I'd share them here too. There are more here than I posted on Twitter. And don't be surprised if you see a few of these again. They're some of my favorites.

If Masen was young once . . .

If Bella and Angela messed around on Embry's board . . .

If Bella was desperate enough . . .

If Masen napped at The Wedge . . .

If Masen was depressed . . .

If Bella wanted to look pornographic . . .

If Masen was nervous . . .

If Masen let go . . .

 If Masen stole a kiss . . .

If Masen went for it . . . 

 If Masen was tricksy . . . 

If Masen grew up and got a real job . . .

If Masen married Bella . . .
. . . and they had a wedding party.

If Masen had a son . . . 
. . . or two.

If Masen's son said, "Daddy, I wanna tat-too."

 If Masen was an adventurous dad . . . 

If I had a more interesting life . . . let's not answer that.


  1. Love these, thank you.
    Love being immersed in Masen and Bella's world.

  2. Me too. I've actually been asking for some photos that I can be inspired by. If you have any you'd like to send me, I'd take them into consideration. It's always fun to fic a pic.

  3. I love the 'If Masen got married' pic!
    I loved them all.

  4. It just made me smile :)
