When I delivered babymuse I was worried. I fully admit that fanfiction is a big part of my life. I enjoy reading it, writing it, and making friends throughout the fandom, but it's time consuming. I understand that it takes as much time as you give it, but I'm a giver. It's a problem. So, as I said, when I delivered babymuse I was worried. I knew I would cut my hours way back, and I would have to surrender to motherhood again (and I mean that in the best way possible). I spent the first few months grieving the loss of the online community I loved so much, though I remained relatively involved, mostly by reading and voyeuristic activities on twitter while nursing my newborn.
As babymuse has learned to move a bit, and as her brothers have learned to play with her, I have learned to enjoy some free time. Not a lot, mind you, but enough to do some writing. I had many ideas but a full story was not feasible with a baby NAC (nursing at computer). Plus, I tend to be one of those writers that wants to put her best foot forward, so I get a little anal when it comes to editing. It's time consuming being anal.
So, what to do, what to do? I wanted to write, but not full stories. The Twilight Awards are in my twitter feed and they are always spewing contest spam. I started to look and wow! such great fic prompts were offered via contests. My mind started turning, and thus a contest junkie was born.

What's the point of all this drivel? (Excepting self promotion, of course ;)) Well, I'm here to say, just because you're a busy mom, doesn't mean you can't write. You can! You can find the time. I have discovered that nap/quiet time for kids equals about 1/3 of a one shot. And once the kids are in bed, a few hours at the computer can finish it off. I've also learned that you don't need a whole month to create an entry from start to finish. Two days to write/self edit. One day with a prereader/self edit. One with a beta/self edits. One for another round with the beta for approval and voila! a one shot is born in five days. Isn't that awesome? I think so. Shutting up now.
Go enjoy some contests! Write and read and vote and keep your summer interesting!
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