After the Cullens leave Forks, a twist of fate lands Bella in Chicago in 1918. She thinks it's a second chance to build a life with Edward, but when she finds him, he's not quite what she expected. Can Bella create the future she's hoping for?
Do you love CanonWard? I do. And let's face it, there's really not enough of him around. And there's certainly not enough of this type of CanonWard around. This Edward is from 1918 - an honest to goodness sixteen year old, living at home with Mom and Dad, track meet participating kind of guy. And he's to die for, but I'm getting ahead of myself. Must set this up first . . .
Beyond Time by TKegl is a canon compliant time travel story. Say what? Hear me out. I was leery about this at first because one, I've read two time travel stories and they were, um, let's just say, not for me, and two, I just couldn't see how an author could make time travel in the world of Twilight believable. I know. Yuck it up. Time travel is dumb. Fanfiction is dumb. But not to me, okay! So, why did I give it a chance? I'll tell you. People rave about this fic. And, by people, I mean people that I trust and admire in the ff world. So, I drew one of these people in by laying down my concerns. The conversation went something like this . . . Me: Um, how does B time travel? Because if it's dumb, I ain't reading it. AuthorIAdore: She's involved in a Quileute ceremony. Done and done. No falls, no wishes on stars or birthday candles, nothing dumb. Thank you baby Jesus (And Kent from So You Think You Can Dance for always making me smile at that!). And with that, I gave Beyond Time an honest to goodness shot and haven't looked back since.
Bella is left heartbroken when Edward leaves her after her birthday fiasco where Jasper tried to eat her. She befriends Jake and Jake invites her to a Quileute ceremony wherein she watches other young Quileutes participate in a Spirit Walk. When said Spirit Walk is over the leader of the group invites Bella to try it herself and though she is skeptical at first, she quickly realizes that Quiletute Spirit Walks are no joke. Her Spirit Walk brings her to Chicago, and it's 1918.
Bella organizes herself quickly by finding housing. She finds a job at Carlisle's hospital, befriends him and lets him in on bits and pieces of her secret. Then, begins her search for Edward.
She gets settled in her 1918 life and meets Edward, but he is not her beloved Edward of 2009. He is young, chauvinistic (true to the times), argumentative, and essentially engaged to his longtime neighbor and friend, Samantha. You'll love her even though you want to hate her (trust me I tried to hate her, I just couldn't). Edward and Bella get to know each other through a series of encounters that will have you laughing, squeeing in giddy delight, and furious with Edward and his attempts at putting women in their place. The chemistry that TKegl has created for these two is fantastic and so relate-able (Well done, by the way!).
Tkegl has done her research. She showcases not only 1918 Chicago hot spots but also 1918 social issues including women's right to vote and women's right to be who they want to be, be it a college student, a single woman, or a woman with a lust for men. Watching Bella become engaged in the fight for women was intriguing since she got some backlash from readers (of SM's Twilight) regarding her submission to the men in her life by being a people pleaser and a homemaker. Beyond Time's Bella is adamant that being a wife and mother is a fine way to live one's life, but women in general should be able to have choices. I loved that facet of this fic. It seemed to be a running theme and kept me thinking about actual important issues. Way to go, TKegl!
TKegl has created so many original characters as well as expanded on SM's characters by exploring parts of them that we've never seen before. Bella's landlady, Maggie, is one of her original characters. I fell in the love with her the moment she explained to Bella that her husband, Henry, God rest his soul, didn't die (even though she always used that phrase, but actually ran away with a tramp. Brilliant, I tell you. Brilliant.
I adored TKegl's expansion of SM's characters. The first being her take on young Edward. He was eager to please his parents, a devout student and Christian, a track and field all-star, a horny boy trying to keep his hormones in check (and his hands and tongue, whatever), and a dedicated boyfriend to Bella. His declarations are so heartfelt and sweet but not over the top and sappy. He loves Bella for who she is, regardless of the fact that she's a suffragette and has foolish notions about a woman's need for a education and a career. He compromises with her and works with her and in the process grows himself in understanding and compassion towards women's issues. It's beautiful to see that turnaround, but without a complete character overhaul. He's still Edward. The consistency there is much appreciated.
TKegl has created a Carlisle that I adore as well. This is a hard working Carlisle who is lonely, has no companions, no family, no one that even knows who he is until Bella shows up. Bella and Carlisle become friends, and he develops a fondness for her. He hasn't ever had the opportunity to be himself before since no one ever knew his secret, so Bella quickly becomes special to him. Together, they study the influenza and attempt to save Edward using any means possible. An interesting twist here is that Edward does not like Carlisle and vice versa. They are each other's competition in regards to Bella. This love triangle is done so subtly that it's barely even there, but you know it is. Carlisle's reactions to Bella are nothing if not respectful and done with her best interests in mind. He guides her, helps her, and loves her in his own way, and it's beautiful to see. Be sure to read the outtake at the end of this fic. It's from Carlisle's POV and is stunning.
One of the many reasons that I don't review WIP is because many fanfic endings are stupid. Yep, I said it. A story can be compelling, well written, and romantic, but then the ending can leave me scratching my head and wishing I hadn't bothered at all. Not this story! This story has an ending that makes sense, that gives you closure, and that satisfies you. This story comes full circle. It's seamless. It fits perfectly into New Moon and wraps the story up nicely. Once finished, I drew in a big breath of fresh air. That's what this story is, a breath of fresh fanfiction air. Thank you, TKegl, for writing it well, for your hours of research, your hours of flawless character construction and expansion, and for your well thought out no-ounce-of-stupidity plot. Beyond Time is Exquisite. Everything about it is exquisite. You'll love this story.
Beyond Time has a few tastefully written sex scenes and is Team Jacob safe.
I have so many favorite scenes from this fic, but I thought this particular meeting with Edward and Bella was just great fun. Please enjoy these excerpts from Chapter 7: Of Movies, Lunch, & Samantha's Hunch,
and then read the tale in it's entirety.
Edward, Samantha, Bella and her boarding housemate, Tom, attend a movie together . . .
"Sorry we're late," Edward said, irritated. "I couldn't find a place to park."
Samantha walked up and threw her arms around my neck. "I'm so glad you came!" she exclaimed. I returned the hug awkwardly.
Why did she have to be so nice?
"I'm glad I came too," I said genuinely. "It's good to see you."
She squeezed me once more before pulling back and nodding at Tom.
"Hello, Tom," she said shyly, her cheeks turning a light shade of pink.
"Miss Swenson," he replied with a smile and a tilt of his head.
Edward cleared his throat and everyone jumped a little.
Geez, Edward. Territorial much?
"Tom already got your tickets," I said, breaking the tension.
"Thanks," Edward pulled out two dimes and gave them to Tom in exchange for the tickets. "Anyone want popcorn before we go in?"
"They don't sell it inside?" I asked.
Edward shot me a curious look. "No, but there's a cart right there." He pointed to a red cart with bright yellow wheels in the street in front of the theater. A red and white striped awning extended from the roof, and I could see a sign advertising popcorn as well as roasted peanuts.
Tom and Edward each bought a bag of popcorn, and we stopped and bought bottles of coke from another vendor.
"It sure would be convenient to have a place where you could buy snacks and drinks inside the theater," I said dryly. "They could call it a snack bar… or maybe a concession stand."
"The theater owners don't like the mess." Edward shrugged. "They don't even like people out here selling it, but there's not much they can do about it."
"Oh, I think they'll come around," I said archly. "After all, they could make a fortune selling snacks."
Edward scoffed, "A fortune? How much do you think people would pay for a bag of popcorn? It would be more trouble than it's worth." He turned away muttering, "Ridiculous!"
I took a deep breath.
I would control my temper.
Edward looped Samantha's hand through his elbow and motioned to the entrance. "Shall we?" He grinned, sweeping her through the heavy doors. Tom and I mockingly mimicked his gesture and followed them.
Before the movie . . .
"Do you go to the movies often?" I asked tentatively.
He flashed me a surprised glance. "Oh… yes. Now and then. You?"
He cleared his throat. "What was the last film you saw?"
Uh oh. Don't say Avatar.
I searched my brain and settled on something Tom had said earlier. "Ummm… That one with Charlie Chaplin?"
He smirked. "Are you asking me or telling me?"
I narrowed my eyes. "Telling you. What was the last film you saw?"
"The Adventurer."
"Was it good?"
He looked at me, eyebrows arched. "You tell me. That's Chaplin's most recent film."
I gulped and looked away. "Oh yeah. I forgot the name of it."
"Mmm hmm."
I shot him an irritated glance. "You're really quite aggravating. You know that?"
He bit his cheek to keep from laughing. "You're the only one who seems to think so."
"I sincerely doubt that."
"Well, for some reason, you seem to bring out the worst in me," he admitted.
"I don't know why," I said haughtily. "Most people find me extraordinarily amiable."
"Amiable, huh?" he chuckled.
"Extraordinarily," I emphasized with a pointed look.
"Undoubtedly those are people who agree with your rather radical views on society," he said, his mouth tilting up in a crooked grin. My heart stopped for a beat before starting to thump again slowly in my chest. How could he still do that to me when I was so annoyed with him?
I swallowed, looking away from that grin so I could collect my thoughts. "Edward, my views are not radical. They're logical."
"If you say so."
I started to reply, but the lights dimmed twice, indicating the film was about to start.
"This isn't over," I whispered, and I heard him chuckle again.
Then the lights went down.
After the movie . . .
Samantha glanced back at Tom and Edward walking behind us. Convinced they couldn't overhear our conversation, she continued. "I think I might like to go to college," she whispered.
"Really, Samantha? That's wonderful!"
"I haven't decided… and I haven't said anything to my parents… or Edward. I don't know how they would react."
I thought a moment. "A friend of mine recently gave me some advice that I think applies here: 'Just be patient. Say what you want calmly and clearly. They'll come around eventually.'"
"You think so?" she asked skeptically.
"Yes, I do."
"I mentioned it to Tom," she said, coloring slightly. "He thought it was a great idea."
"Tom's a smart guy."
"What are you girls talking about?" Edward asked, as the two of them caught up with us.
"Nothing much," I said airily, and then a flyer posted on the side of a brick building caught my attention. I walked over for a closer look, bringing Samantha with me. I could feel the mental eye roll of Tom and Edward before they followed us reluctantly.
"A suffrage meeting," I read thoughtfully, turning to Samantha with a start. "Women can't vote?"
Samantha regarded me carefully. "Well in some elections, yes, but not in all of them. That's why there's a suffrage movement."
The "duh" seemed implied.
This was amazing. My mind flashed back to the article I had read in the hospital waiting room my first night here. I was so busy trying to figure out what was real and what wasn't that it hadn't even really clicked that I was reading about the suffrage movement – written by someone who'd experienced it first hand. I didn't remember exactly when it happened, but I knew the constitutional amendment guaranteeing women the vote would pass soon… within a year or two. Setting aside my primary reason for traveling to 1918, I found I couldn't resist the temptation to participate in a little history-making of my own.
"We have to go to this meeting," I said to Samantha firmly.
"You're a suffragette too?" Edward asked scornfully.
"You say it like it's a dirty word," I snapped back.
"It just seems like it's never enough for you people," he spat back. "The Illinois legislature already gave women the vote years ago."
"Actually, Edward," Samantha interrupted quietly, "that's only for some elections. Women in this state still aren't allowed to vote for state representatives or the governor. And we still have to use separate ballots and ballot boxes."
"That's ridiculous!" I exclaimed, outraged, only belatedly noticing Edward looking at Samantha in shock. Guess he wasn't used to her speaking up.
"What's ridiculous is the idea of a constitutional amendment – you realize that's what these women want, right? They want to change the Constitution!" Edward seethed. "It's a mob mentality – and now you're dragging Samantha into this madness."
"Now Edward…" Samantha began.
"Dragging Samantha?" I shouted. "I'm not dragging her anywhere! I simply can not believe that anyone would be against the idea of women voting." I stared at him, my eyes wide, and I saw him flick his glance between the two of us before he spoke, a little more quietly.
"It's not that I have anything against it per se," he replied, as if trying to calm a small child. "It's just that I think it's unnecessary."
I gaped at him. "How can you even say that?"
He was trying to maintain his composure, but I saw the muscle in his jaw clench. "A woman's husband represents the entire family. His vote does that as well."
"And what if a woman isn't married… or if she disagrees with her husband?" My heart rate was speeding up again.
"Well, then it's just a waste of two votes." He threw his hands in the air, any façade of calm irrevocably broken. "She and her husband would cancel each other out."
"That is so not the point, Edward!" I argued.
"Well, what is the point, Bella?" He mimicked my tone.
I took a deep breath. Be patient. Stay cool. "Edward, do you think women are less intelligent than men?"
He hesitated briefly. "No…"
"Okay, do you think they have the ability to become as informed on the issues as men? That they can read the newspaper… listen to speeches and absorb the facts?"
He flashed a glance at Tom, who just shrugged in response.
No help there, buddy.
"Yes," he said finally.
"Do you think women have their own opinions on the issues?"
He smirked. "I think you're adequate evidence of that."
"Okay, I'll give you that one." I shrugged then continued. "So given all of that, don't you think that a woman has just as much right to voice her opinion when it comes to politics? I mean, the decisions made by our government affect women just as much as men, don't they?"
Edward thought a moment. "I suppose so," he said slowly, "if she really wanted to."
"So, Bella," he continued. "Who are you supporting in the election this fall?"
"Um… the Democrat?"
Edward chuckled.
"Hey, I'm new in town. I plan on getting fully acquainted with the candidates and the issues," I said defensively. "And when the time comes, I will be informed and ready."
"Spoken like a true suffragette." Edward grinned.
"Damn straight."
"You have an awfully foul mouth for a lady," he said reproachfully.
"Well, a true gentleman wouldn't point it out… it's rude," I retorted.
"Okay, okay," Tom interrupted. "Can we please go to the car? You both are giving me a headache!"
Edward and I smiled at each other briefly before continuing down the street, and I couldn't help feeling like I had finally made some progress.
no contest, hands down, best ff i have read. beautiful love story, hottest tastefully OR untastefully written sex scenes you'll find. human edward in his natural environment, i don't know, there was something heartbreaking about it. i guess all the possibilities open to him, his capacity for youthful joy, his innocence? you have to read it, period.
ReplyDeletei've read it 3x. (i know, get a life).