Soon-to-be college senior Bella Swan needs a summer job. Edward Cullen needs a worker for his new tasting room at Cullen Creek Brewery. She doesn't know much about beer, but she knows how to push his buttons. Romance/Humor, ExB, M for Lemons/Language Author's Blog

This story was rec'd to me by Jenndema, co-author of Dear Mr. Masen, so of course it was good. Edward is a beer guru, owning his own distillery and pub. Bella is a vet student needing a job. Emmett, Edward's brother who always has some food in his mouth, hires Bella for the tasting room and to tempt Edward. Edward is in the middle of a divorce with his petty wife Victoria. He's focused on work, but finds he becomes distracted by Bella's beauty, humor and fun personality in general.
Bella is a fun loving young girl. She says what she thinks but not in a verbal vomit way, more of an I-don't-give-a-crap way. She and Edward flirt and hit it off right away, but he's determined to keep things professional (even though he slips every once in a while). Bella follows Edward's cues but doesn't really hide her interest. She is patient with him. And that makes for good storytelling. Yay!
Another facet of Bella's personality that I loved (and that is so rare in fanfic) is that she calls Edward on his crap. There's not really any misunderstandings. When he lies to her, trying to keep things professional, she tells him he's full of crap. I love that. It makes the story feel so real and not contrived at all. Double yay!
On a camping trip/business venture (Chapter 11), Edward and Bella are having a bit too much fun and temptation is in full swing.
"Whew," Bella says, taking a seat on one of our ice coolers while Jasper and Emmett man the kegs. "I'm beat."
"Why don't you go back and take a rest?"
"Really? Oh, man, that sounds good. I really need a shower, too. I'm covered with beer."
I glance down at her Cullen Creek tee. She's right; it's soaked. God, she looks fucking hot, and I wonder if she'd let me help her clean up. I could do it with my tongue . . .
"Okay. Just watch out for bears," I tease, keeping a straight face.
"Bears?" Her eyes widen.
"Yeah. They love beer. Just watch it."
"Shut up, sausage," she says, narrowing her eyes and swatting at me with her bar towel. I side step her attack, rolling up my own and giving her a taste of own medicine. She should know that after eighteen years of living with Emmett, I've perfected my technique. I hit her just at the base of her hip, and she squeals.
"Ow! You sonofa—"
"Don't dish it if you can't take it."
"You are SO DEAD!" she comes at me again, and this time she's quick—she goes right for the goods. I barely manage to deflect the blow with a quick turn of my leg.
"Fucking hell!"
"What was that you were saying before?"
"Kids, kids, kids," Emmett says, turning around and slinging his arms around both of our shoulders. "Save it for later."
Bella blushes brightly, wriggling out from under his grasp.
"All right. I'm going. See you guys."
I'm distracted watching Bella walk away, so I'm not prepared when Emmett gives me a light kidney punch.
"Dude, go after her."
"I can't."
"You pussy."
Fuck. He's so right.
The story is told entirely in Edward's POV which I love. This Edward is sweet, smart, a man (he thinks about sex but not in a disgusting way), and so funny. Here's a snippet from chapter 19 that I think showcases his POV well .
We'd decided to keep things strictly professional over the next few weeks to avoid temptation . . . Lord knows it wouldn't take much for me to completely disregard Jenks' advice. I know he's only looking out for me, but I want to so badly. The only thing that gives me comfort is the fact that Bella wants to be my girlfriend . . . she pretty much is my girlfriend. My adorable, secret, soon-to-be girlfriend.
I'm an idiot.
This story showcases very well thought out characters and dynamics between individuals. It's rare to see an Alice and Edward who aren't fond of each other, but in this story you'll find that. You'll also find a hypochondriac Carlisle who likes to talk poop and all manner of gross things. He is so funny in a 'my parents are so embarssing' kind of way.
While Edward's language is quite mature, this story is not riddled with sex. There are a few nicely placed sex scenes that don't override the story.
If you need something light, fluffy, funny, relateable and realistic, then this is your story.
Team Jacob safe.
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