Summary: "I'd never been one of those women who found foreign accents sexy until I met Edward. Now, even plaid made me horny." Bella is in love with her best friend, Scottish expat Edward, and she'll do anything for him. Anything. AH. E/B.

Coming through the Rye features a Scottish Edward who burps and farts and plays rugby. His best friend Bella (whose inner dialogue's name is Madge) is madly in love with him only he is too fooking stupid to realize it. Due to some immigration issues, Bella and Edward marry and love abounds... The first half of this story is told by Bella (and Madge), and the second is told by Edward. The writing is superb, and I laugh through every chapter. Edward's POV is particularly fun to read as he obsesses about his boaby, sex, and farting. Love, love, love this fic!
Team Jacob safe as he's not in it.
Um, yeah. I dare you not to find Ryeward sexy.

psh!! this one is gone too!!