Edward's fall from grace destroyed not only his life, but the lives of those he loved the most. When he passes out teetering on the edge of total destruction and wakes up 17 again, how many times will he have to repeat the same day to set things right?

Bella is a blip in Edward Cullen's real 29 year old life, but in his second life, she is everything. Once he begins to make a little progress in his do-over, he realizes Bella is a good friend, or could've been. He also discovers that she's perfect for him, but he can't have her. Not yet. Not yet. Nooooooo!
In his second life, Edward, Jasper (his best friend), and Bella develop a camaraderie rare in high schoolers. They are friends and nothing more. They play video games and instant message, and just hang. They keep it simple, but it's not. Not for Edward anyway, because his 29 year old mind is more aware of what's happening or what may happen.
Edward, Bella, and Jasper have a LAN party. they are big dorks, but I love them.
A moment with Bella . . .
"Have you two been to bed yet?"
Edward and Bella looked up guiltily as Carlisle stepped into the rec room looking still half-asleep. It was seven in the morning and no, neither of them had closed their eyes yet. Jasper was sprawled in the reclining easy chair, fast asleep since about four that morning.
"I finally got rid of all the viruses on Bella's computer," Edward said at the same time Bella blurted, "I just need one more fire beetle eye."
Carlisle slapped a hand over his eyes, shaking his head slightly. "My son is a bad influence," he said under his breath. He looked over at them again, trying for a stern face but only managing to look amused. "Your eyes are bloodshot. Get some rest before I have to send you back to your father in a zombie state." He chuckled.
As Carlisle ambled off to the kitchen, Edward turned Bella's computer off, rubbing his sore eyes. He peered over her shoulder as she stubbornly plugged on, intent on getting the fire beetle eye she needed to complete her quest.
"Not bad, newbie," Edward complimented, noting that she'd gotten the hang of the game rather quickly. He yawned, staring blearily at the screen. "You're a hot chick," he mumbled. When she turned to stare at him, a little wide eyed, he woke up a bit. "I mean... your character is hot. I mean...not that you aren't. I mean... fuck."
Bella bit her lip, looking like she was trying not to laugh, but she failed miserably. He rolled his eyes as she giggled. "Maybe we should go to bed," she said, her voice husky from sleep.
In his sleep deprived state, Edward took that exactly the wrong way. Her voice was so low it was sexy. She was a pretty girl who was into gaming. A brave, selfless girl with a sharp tongue and thick skin, and her face was really only a few inches from his.
"I mean..." she stumbled, realizing what she'd said. "I mean. We should sleep."
She was blushing. She was so cute when she blushed like that. Even with red, bloodshot eyes she was cute.
"Right," Edward mumbled. "Sleep."
He was afraid to sleep. Alice said he was on vacation, but how long would this vacation last? He didn't want to go to sleep and wake up on a different day.
But his eyelids were leaden.
The couch in the rec room was huge and L shaped. It would have been easy for one of them to move, going to the opposite end of the couch to sleep. Or for Bella to head to the guest room that Edward told her about, his words beginning to slur. Or even for him to head up to his room.
Instead, they both kind of fell in opposite directions. Their feet tangled - completely innocent - in the middle, and they slept.
Edward's guide through this messy life is none other than Alice. Though she's like no Alice you've ever read. She's four and loves Harry potter, she's sixteen and, like, so irritated with him. She's angel and devil, giving him everything and taking it away. She's the most fascinating Alice you'll ever read. And this is one of the most fascinating fics you'll ever read. I am not doing it justice, I know.
A moment with Alice . . .
He turned slowly, carefully, in case the girl was trying to play a trick on him. He blew out a long breath of relief seeing she'd put on jeans and a t-shirt. She giggled at him as she plopped on the bed, rubbing a towel over her long, jet black hair. "Sorry about that. I wasn't expecting you just yet. I wasn't ready."
Edward didn't answer right away. Her familiarity with him was throwing him off, but the more he looked at her, the more he realized he knew her. His eyes nearly popped out of his head when he got a good look at hers.
One black eye, one amber.
She grinned at him, shaking her head ruefully. "Took you long enough."
"But...you're all grown up."
She pursed her lips. "More or less."
Cryptic as ever. "I don't understand," he admitted. He turned slightly, looking at himself in a mirror to make sure he hadn't imagined the face there. "If I'm 29 again, how are you... how old are you?"
"Me? I'm timeless. But this body is sixteen if that's what you're asking," Alice said with a twinkle in her eye. "You're always 29 here."
Spotting a chair behind him, Edward sat down heavily, pinching the bridge of his nose as he tried to make sense of a nonsensical world. He gave a little growl of frustration.
"You see, this is your problem," Alice said cheerfully. He looked up in time to see her bounce lightly on her bed, laying down so that her head was tilted backwards off the edge of the bed toward him, her hair spilling down onto the floor. "Here you are, repeating your high school days over and over and you're looking for some kind of logic to all of it." She rolled over, propping her chin on her hands as she looked at him. "You're kind of a dumb ass, dude."
Edward's lips quirked. "You're a lot more foul mouthed than I remember."
"You of all people should know that some things come with the body you're in. I'm 16! I'm sassy and I think I know everything," she said with a grin.
"How is that different from you at five?" he asked.
She giggled. "Less Harry Potter," she pointed out.
"Harry Potter... Oh!" Edward ruffled his hair ruefully. "Right.. Nargles and Pens Eves and wands."
"Oh, my!" Alice quipped.
This fic has it all: brotherly love (Emmett's hysterical), nerdery, romance, lust, love, need, desperation, sorrow, happiness, and intrigue. It's quite the unique love story.
Team Jacob safe.
Low smut.
MWAH. You're a hero, my dear one.