“I want to watch something creepy.” I cross my arms over my
chest, rubbing them, trying to warm up. I should have worn a thicker coat.
Jessica’s eyes light up, and I wonder why until I’m wrenched
up, flipped, and hung over someone’s shoulder.
“What the hell?” I bark, staring down the back of a guy
wearing jeans and a flannel I recognize.
“Sorry. I’m going to borrow her,” the familiar voice says. Edward.
Jessica pouts as I get carried away.
“Why are you borrowing me?”
“You look like you’re being tortured.”
“I’m almost positive I was.”
Edward sets me down by the passenger’s side of his car.
“Where do you want to go? I’m all yours.” His grin gives me hope, like tonight
won’t be a bust.
“My dad’s working late. We can watch a movie at my place. Do
you like horror?”
“I love it,” he says, laughing and heading to his side of
the car.

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