Chapter 10: Seeking Approval

Saturday night I decide I need a pick-me-up, so I agree to go bowling with Mike, Alice and Jasper. It’s our first official date as a couple. I’m a little nervous and still feeling sad, but I try to hide it since I never told Mike about any of the drama from the previous weekend.
Our game is in full swing, and I’m actually enjoying myself. Flirting with Mike is fun. He’s loosened up since we’ve become boyfriend and girlfriend, but it’s still not the same as what I have with Edward. What I had, I mean. I could never say something dirty around Mike, and I find myself resenting him for it. And getting pissed at myself for judging him when I should be judging myself instead.
Mike gets a strike, and I jump up, celebrating his victory. He shoots down the bowling pins with his fingers like such a geek, but I don’t mind. I like this silly side of him. When he sits next to me, he pulls me onto his lap and wraps his arms around my waist. I feel his lips on my neck and tense up, the act too close to what Edward once did.
I take a deep breath and turn my head for a kiss. Mike indulges me, and Jasper kicks Mike’s foot to get our attention since it’s my turn.
I’m terrible at bowling. My ball goes straight down the gutter.
Mike coos, “That’s alright. Good try. Not everyone’s athletic.” But I can barely hear him over the loud clapping and catcalling.
I turn slowly to see who it is, but I don’t really need to. I’d know that obnoxious tone of voice anywhere.
“Nicely done, gutter queen.”
Usually I like his nicknames, but the words feel like daggers to my heart now. I’d like to glare at Edward, but I can’t because my attention is diverted to the tiny girl under his arm. Angela.
A few words to Dirtyflirtward's girls . . .

Mike's so fun . . .

This was the fabulous @aidan_momma's review of chapter 10.
It was so perfect for the chapter I had to add it!
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