Wednesday, November 2, 2011

Masen Days Extras: Chapter 12

Excerpt . . .

We lay under our tree, his head on my stomach, his hand wrapped around mine. It’s perfect.

“Why a pencil?” he muses out of the blue.

“What? Oh, my mom is kinda, erm, flighty, and she always lost all of our hair ties and things, and I just had to get creative. There’s almost always something long and thin you can shove in your hair. It just became a habit, but I do it a lot more here because of the heat. Everyday I think, I’m leaving it down today or I’ll fix it today, but it somehow always ends up in a bun.”

“I love it.”


“Yeah,” he says and purses his lips so I’ll kiss him. Of course I do. It’s a good one too.

“Tell me about that.” Hearing him talk – actually discuss something – is my favorite pastime now.

“Um, well, your hair smells good, so when you whip it around, it’s like it just permeates the air, and yeah . . . I like it.”

“What else?” He’s in a great mood. I usually don’t push for more, but today I think I can get away with it.

He sits up, captures my other hand and entwines our fingers on his lap. Our eyes focus on our finger play while he talks. “When you slide out your pencil or pen or whatever, your hair falls around your shoulders, and it makes me think of what it’ll be like when we  . . . you sure you want to hear this?” He dips his head low, smiling shyly. Of course I want to hear this, so I nod.

“Well, I think about you and me . . . under this tree, and I imagine you beneath me, your hair wild and pencil free. It’s usually the last thing I think about before I go to bed.”

“Me too,” I admit.

He sputters, “W—what?”

“You don’t think I imagine us that way together?”

“I don’t know what you imagine.”

“Yes, you do.” I place my hands on his pectorals and straddle his hips before pressing him down onto the damp earth.

“I do?” His voice is higher than normal, but his eyes show me how excited he is by my words.



“Of course.” I lower myself over him and lick his earlobe, grazing it with my teeth. He smoothes his hands over my back, then rests them on my hips. We kiss for a few minutes, enjoying our new position.

When I pull away, he takes a moment to whisper, “You were supposed to say yeah.”

Chapter Playlist . . .

Chapter Picteases . . .


Masen's Notebook Entry . . .



  1. Ohhh! Awesome excerpt. Such a tease, haha. Is it Monday yet? And I loved the songs. :)

  2. I'm so excited for this next chapter. What a great teaser!
    I'm so happy that they are together.

  3. Oh.My.God! I LOVED this tease. I can not wait for Masenday. Thanks!
