Sex between friends complicates everything. Bella knows this. But she has no idea how much more Edward is going to complicate things.

Do you enjoy a silly Bella but not a stupid Bella? A smirky, playful Edward but not a slutty I-am-God's-gift-to-women Edward? Do you enjoy Friends? Then you'll enjoy this fic. Whatsmynomdeplume has a great handle on humor, innuendo, lame crass jokes and what real friendships look like, and that's what she's put all in this little ficlet.
While this fic is 12 chapters long, it is an extremely fast read - one you could do in one or two sittings if you have copious amounts of time. Or if your infant is teething and wants to nurse all day so as to have something to grind her non-existent teeth onto, but that's neither here nor there. The point is, it's a quick and pleasant and funny and sexy read.
Whatsmynomdeplume jumps right into the story. There's no 20 chapter lead in, no angsty build. Thank you for that! The story starts after Edward and Bella have slept together for the first time and covers the few days, maybe a week or two after, while they try to figure out what to do about it. The pacing is quick, the wit is quick, and the angst is non-existent, unless you count Bella worrying about her boobs being saggy or Bella worrying about waking Edward up because it's like taking bacon out of someone's hand. Seriously, no angst. It's like a light and fluffy pancake coated with butter. Mmmm.
As said above, this story is hilarious. Edward and Bella are really real, the plot is not overdone, the dialogue is not overdone, and the sex is not overdone. As a matter of fact, the sex is done very subtly, yet it's still sexy and gives you that fluttery feeling of a new relationship as all of the sex is told from Edward's POV who is totally head over heels for his best , goofy, neurotic friend, Bella. You will not be disappointed. Read it.
Team Jake's a go as he's not in it.
Here's an excerpt from Chapter 9..Warning Spoilers!
Edward and Bella have just decided to be boyfriend and girlfriend . . .
"I just think," Edward continues, snapping me out of my thoughts, "that it'd be nice to have something seal the deal, you know?"
"You're right."
His words, my thoughts, they've all reminded me that I'm still really new at this—and that I'll probably mess it up, and I need Edward to be on board with my messing.
He looks at me suspiciously. "I am? You never say that."
"You're right about sealing the deal, at least. I feel like we need to maybe set some rules."
He groans. "Bella, no. I meant like… you flash me again, and we seal the deal. We don't need rules. We're not a board game. "
"See, I think you're wrong!"
"We are a board game?"
I roll my eyes. "No! I mean, I think that we can't do everything like we did as friends and just expect it to work."
"Yes, we can. We absolutely can. Friends who have sex sounds like the perfect relationship to me."
"Then you and Emmett should date."
He makes a disgusted face. "Let me rephrase that. Friends, sex, and you sound like the perfect relationship to me."
I blush and smile and swoon a little, I do. But I'm still me, even if I'm this enamored, girlfriend version of myself. "No, it's not! Friends have a higher threshold for annoying each other than boyfriends—" he gives me a look "—fine, and girlfriends—do. So that can be rule number one. No annoying each other."
His shoulders drop. "You're an idiot. Our whole friendship is based on me annoying you, you liking it, and me liking that you like it."
Hmmm. He's correct—not that I'll say that out loud again. "Alright. No annoying each other too much."
"Alright," he says. "If we're doing this, then rule number two: no acting like it's inevitable that we're going to break up."
"Alright, I'll try not to. But I can't help that I'm realistic—"
"Cynical," Edward interrupts.
"Realistic about relationships. I mean, look at my mom."
"Look at my mom and dad," he counters.
"They're a fluke," I argue.
"I'm just saying that people break up a lot."
"But all it takes is one to stick."
"You think I'm sticky?" I blurt, wondering when did I turn into such an idiot?
He smiles and chuckles. "Like glue."
"No, wait, ask me again."
"Are you kidding me? I can't even believe I said that the first time."
He knits his eyebrows together and I hate that on him, it looks adorable; if I tried the same expression, it'd look like I was counting eyelashes or having a conniption. Maybe both. I also hate how irresistible I find it. "Just ask me, Bella."
"Fine. You think I'm sticky?" I deadpan.
"Like a fourteen-year-old boy with HBO." He snickers, pleased with his own wit.
He needs someone to keep his ego in check, so I quickly change the subject saying, "So, rules."
I'm a little surprised when he says nothing and his smile fades.
"What's with the face, Cullen?" I ask. He's got his little boy pout on, where his eyes get inversely big to the size of his mouth.
He shrugs. "I don't know..." His tone tells me that he is somewhat serious. "I just... I don't want to make the mistake of over-thinking this."
I sigh. "Edward, that's what I do. I over-think about what toothpaste to buy at the store, even though I always end up with the same one."
He nods. "I know. And I get it, I really do. That's how you are; I'm not looking to change that. I just... you're fun, Bella. We're fun. That's my favorite thing about us. I..." He trails off before seemingly gathering his resolve and saying, "I don't want that to change now just because you're my girlfriend."
All of a sudden, I am filled with an almost overwhelming pang. I know we're talking it out, and that's probably the best thing we could do, but I need him here. I want to hold his hand and see his eyes without the filter of a screen, HD though it might be. I want to touch and kiss him to remind myself, to remind both of us of this thing between us, that it's really as strong as I think it is. I just want him here. Where he should be.
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