Wednesday, May 11, 2011

Jake Reviews on the Run

I've not read a lot lately as I'm loving on Babymuse, but what I have read that cannot be forgotten will be posted here with very brief/lame notes. Please bear with me. I wouldn't even bother posting them if they weren't that good. Trust me.

The Last Sleep by Ninety6tears
Summary: When Bella's future is abruptly altered by brutal circumstances, she seeks comfort in an impossible balance between her life with Edward and a restrained relationship with Jacob.

Bella is turned vamp in a terrible situation not involving the Cullens. She continues her life with the Cullens as a vamp though she is not herself. She is depressed, forlorn and broken, living a life she didn't get to choose. Jacob is in and out of her life and ultimately frees her from her purgatory. How so? You'll just have to read.

This piece is hauntingly beautiful with vivid imagery and a sweetness that is sad all at the same time.

Team Edward safe (imo).

The Two Hundred and Seven Days After by Monroeslittle
Summary: Jacob imprints. This is the aftermath.

Bella and Jacob are in a relationship and he imprints. Bella leaves him to it though she is devastated. In classic Jake fashion he does not want to give up on his relationship with Bella. He pounds on her door, and sleeps outside her window, and generally hounds her until she gives in to talk to him . . . only she forces him to go, to live his own life with her.

The awesome thing about this fic is that it's in Bella's POV and we see her devastation but still get the sense of how real the imprint is without having to hate Jake for it by being in his head. That was a terribly written sentence. Moving on. We see through Bella's eyes how difficult the situation is for both of them. And it is difficult, painful. Do not read this story is you are depressed, it will make things worse. This story has major heartfail at times in the best way possible and had me crying real tears. That does not happen often people.

This story will have you crying, hoping, loving, enjoying, and many other 'ings' I can't think of. Really well written. A must read for Jake/Bella fans.

Team Edward is a no go.

The Golden Phase of Dying Leave by CatsonMars
Summary: When Bella returns from Italy after failing to save Edward, Jacob isn't sure if he can do anything to pull her out of her state of numbness this time.

Jake is desperate to get Bella to eat, talk, join the living but cannot seem to help her, so he just waits is out, letting her wallow next to him. In a moment of high stakes, Bella realizes that she does want to live, does want to be human again all because of Jake and his loving persistence.

A beautifully written short tale of the return of Bella to the living. A nicely romantic piece without the dirty deets of the deed.

Team Edward is a bad idea.

Five Times Bella Swan Did Not Kiss Jacob Black by CatsonMars
Summary: He will always remember how on the night she came back to him, he saw a shooting star. Five Jacob/Bella drabbles starting in the time of New Moon and ending as post-Eclipse AU.

A short story in six parts told in a drabble-y fashion. How's that for a review? I said they'd be lame. This brief tale, told in snippets, spans NM pre-fursplosion to post wedding(J/B), then back again to NM post-fursplosion. You'd think with the small amount of words this author used that she wouldn't've been able to say much, but she did, she does and so you should read it. She captures Jake in his sweet innocence in a way I haven't seen before.

CatsonMars is brilliant. I would compare her drabbles and one shots to those of blueandblack. I can't seem to get enough. I'm excited to read her multi-chaptered fics. If you've read them drop me a comment or email and tell me about them.

Where Do We Go Now But Nowhere? by Unseemingowl
Summary: They've both been left behind, their lives put on hold in rain soaked Forks, but they have a few things in common apart from being angry and lonely.
Don't go running and screaming just yet. I thought my twitter peeps were crazy when they suggested I read a Jacob/Jessica fic. I was like hell no, it'd be dumb, yo. But it wasn't; I was. This short fic works. Jake and Jessica work. It makes sense and I believed it.

Jake and Jessica bond over their pathetic lives after Bella leaves with her sparkly man. They become friends and enjoy each other's company because it makes them not lonely to be together. Being a part of Jessica's sad life in Forks is something that keeps Jake going. He's able to vent, go hog wild at the driving range (a very powerful scene), and sow his oats out of need to just be out of control to do something wrong, it seems. But Jessica is game; she wants it too. But what happens when Bella shows up in Forks again, unsparkly, and looking for Jake? Happy ending or not? that depends. Are you Team Jessica? Or Team Bella?

There would be something wrong with me if I didn't give credit to MeraNaamJoker and Audreyii_fic for these recs. Most of them came from them. I have even taken to calling Audrey my Indi-Fic Guru. She knows every well written, stunning Jake piece out there. Thanks ladies! And thanks for keeping me company on Twitter while I nurse Babymuse.

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