Monday, February 28, 2011

Freaky Nomination

The final nominees are up on JBNP Awards. I was nominated. I was nominated for Freaky Mistletoe. 'What?' you say. Yeah, I say that too. Freaky Mistletoe was written on a whim. I wrote it for two reasons. The first being that my mother wanted to read something of mine and everything I had written was dirty and she doesn't read dirty. The second being a reader asked me to try Blackwater. There was a contest coming up with a Christmas theme, and I thought, Hey why not? I'll try a one shot. So I did. I missed the deadline and posted anyway. Then there was another contest, and I thought Hm, I could continue the story with that idea, so I did and I actually won something. Then on a whim, I thought of a way to end it. It just seemed weird to have a two chapter story where both chapters could be read individually. It was bizarre to say the least. I pecked out my outline and posted the next chapter on the final day of JBNP nominations. I didn't think much of it as I had been pimping the contest all along in my other stories' author's notes, but I'll be damned Freaky Mistletoe got nominated for favorite Blackwater.

I'm shocked to say the least. The story was never supposed to be. It wasn't even my idea. The banner is hideous and lame (see evidence above), the chapters are weird, there's virtually no plot, Jake is a complete dumbass, it's rife with grammatical mistakes because, to be honest, I don't really care about that story, and it's just basically not something I'm proud of. It's something I write when I need a break from writing Bella/Jacob angst. I'm completely flabbergasted but utterly humbled that I was nominated. I'm glad that I make some people laugh and that they enjoy my ridiculous take on how Jake/ Leah may have come to be and how they may have interacted with each other.

Thank you for nominating me and since you were so kind to do so, how about you vote for me too? That would be a hoot!

Much Love,

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