Summary: Charlie got Bella the professional help she needed when Edward took off. Now Edward's back, and she's different. AU New Moon - after Volterra- and Eclipse. M for language & a few later lemons. Mostly in-character, Edward's not villainized.

I found this fic on Phase Fics under their teaser's section. I had also seen this author rec'd somewhere else, I can't remember now, but the summary pulled me in. The idea of a more mentally stable Bella sounded interesting to me and I was in the mood for some canon Jake. And boy does MeraNaamJoker deliver - on the canon and the Jake.
Bella has grown in this story, she sticks up for herself with Jake and Edward (yes, he's in it too, but more as a side character). It's good to hear Bella assert herself against Edward, and because she's actually been in therapy, it's believable. I get really upset when an author claims canon and then Bella screams and yells at Edward calling him all kinds of names using words she would never use. I'm sorry, but that's just not canon Bella. You have to prove to me why she would do that, or I'm not going to buy it. This time, I did.
The main plot of the story is canon - getting Victoria and fighting off the vampire army, but it also follows Jake and Bella's relationship. It is written in Bella's POV.
This Bella is so sweet, charming and innocent but with a healthy sexual curiosity. She is genuinely caring and not annoying. Some of her internal dialogue had me giggling so hard I thought I'd wake up the sleeping hubs. This line in particular had me in stitches.
I wanted to understand; I definitely didn't want Quil, who'd always been nice to me, to be a pedophile.
Although the POV is Bella's throughout the story, Jake has such a distinct voice. The Jake the author has written is a true teenage boy. The author has a knack for realistic teenage dialogue and I love it. Jake's dialogue is simplistic but so fitting because - he's a boy!
Bella and Jake have a very realistic relationship. They argue, and play, and make out (seriously best first make out ever; should win a make out lemon award), and talk. Their conversations are always interesting and help move the plot along. This author is not wordy like me - we all I know my Jake talks way too much. :)
I love the author's version of an angry Jake, especially when he's pissed about Bella saying negative things about herself. It's hot. The line below in particular had me laughing and totally feeling what Jake was saying. I want to jump him because he's so sarcastic and honest and forces her to believe in herself. I just love it.
"Do you think I just spent however many months of my life trying to win you over because I thought you'd make a hella good mirror for my awesome?"
And poor, sad Edward. We all know I'm Switzerland and I loved the author's portrayal of Edward. The fascinating thing is that he's rarely actually in the fic. He's only spoken about by other characters, but that - his absence - speaks volumes. I felt him in the background, thus constantly feeling Bella's guilty conscience. It provided an angst hum that I enjoyed. The author's stance on Edward taking the breakup is much like my own, so if you liked my story (or at least how I treated Edward), you'll like this one.
While the author focuses on Jake and Bella's relationship, she gives the reader bits and pieces of pack life that are so fascinating and sometimes gut wrenching. We get a glimpse Quil's agony over imprinting with a 2 year old, and we get a slice of Jake and Billy's relationship that makes the reader want to cuddle Jake.
The only non-canon factor that I questioned was Jake's virginity. In this story, he's already cashed in his v-card (but this is not a slut Jake, thank you!). Generally that upsets me, but since we didn't hear anything about Jake's experience with girls until Eclipse, and this is a re-write of Eclipse, I bought it. Hell, I'd buy anything from this author. In fact she's selling a Bella/Paul imprint right now which I am buying and gobbling up. That review's up next!
Until I write it or update my own story, giving you something else to read, go read Better Now. It's worth your time, and you all know how picky I am. Enjoy!
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